Rocky Hill Civic Association Bulletins

The Rocky Hill Civic Association Bulletin is published every month, (except for the months of June and July).  The RHCA Bulletin updates the community on critical issues, as well as provides information that may be useful or entertaining to our community. The Volunteer Block Captains then distribute these newsletters to the local households.  Please consider becoming a volunteer RHCA Block Captain. It involves very little time and effort, but has a huge return.  If you are interested, please contact us by phone, email or at a monthly Membership Meeting.   

RHCA Bulletins are available on-line by using the side bar menu located to the left and clicking on the Bulletin you wish to view.  Please note, that Adobe Reader software is required for viewing and/or printing RHCA Bulletins. The software can be obtained by clicking on the side bar menu textbox entitled "Get Adobe Reader."

If a specific Bulletin you are interested in is not located on the left, click here to send an email, noting the Bulletin you wish to review.  We will send you a copy via email.  

Please send your suggestions for topics and items you would like to see included in future RHCA Bulletins or want to share with your neighbors 
Click here to send an email message.  With your help and input we can keep the Civic Association's Bulletin both informative and interesting.  


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